ESRA Magazine
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Thank You to Our ESRA Volunteers

Having a great time ... ESRA volunteers mingling and chatting at the Raanana garden party

 In early June all ESRA volunteers received an enticing invitation to a Summer Garden Party in Raanana, to mingle and chat with other volunteers from different parts of the country. The beautiful, colorful invitation produced by our office administrator, Sandra Broza, set the tone for a lovely afternoon in the beautiful home and garden of our charming hosts, Alisa and David Barth.

Smiles from the hostess, Alisa Barth

The tables in the garden were set with lavish trays of crudités and dips, and a large main table was laden with all manner of delicious, delectable and most unusual biscuits, cookies and fruit platters, with the centerpiece being an ESRA cake. All this was personally baked and presented by Alisa, and the 'ooohs 'and 'aaahs' heard from all the guests on seeing the goodies were surpassed only by those emanating from these same guests as they tasted and feasted upon the fare.

Our Chairperson, Brenda Katten, was present to greet and chat with the volunteers, as was our Life President and Founder Merle Guttmann and our Director Yonit Garfunkel, as well as many members of the Executive Committee.

Our Volunteer Coordinator, Sharona Bick, introduced the proceedings by welcoming all the guests and saying some words about the work being done in various communities by our volunteers. Brenda also welcomed and thanked the volunteers, and Nina Zuck, Head of Projects, spoke about some of our projects, including the recently held batmitzvah celebration for twelve Ethiopian girls.

We then enjoyed a musical interlude by Noga Glazer, Noa Harold, Ayn Hagar and Michal Shorer, all students of music "megama" at Metro West High School in Raanana 

Quartet provided the musical interlude at the party

The afternoon was a great success and was enjoyed by all present. It was a wonderful opportunity for volunteers to meet and mingle in a relaxed and charming atmosphere and to know how much they are appreciated by ESRA for their unswerving commitment and loyalty to the organization and for the work that they do and the contribution they make in the communities in which they live.

Our special thanks go to Sharona Bick who organized the event and to our wonderful and generous hosts, Alisa and David Barth.  



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