ESRA Magazine
ESRAmagazine categories


Batmitzvah - Pondering it's Meaning


Makuya – A Corner of Japan in Israel


A Conversation With the Author of a Zionist Haggadah


Passover Recipes 2024


Freedom and Speech


Jewish Roots On The Silk Road


Henna Ceremony* Of A Lifetime


Preparing for Succoth in Bnei Brak


Murdered by Hamas Religion and Burial


The War And I: My WWII Childhood


Kol Nidrei in Crete: An Astonishing Tale


Doing the Daf as Israel Implodes


I Blow the Shofar


A Call and A Calling


Far From Home, She Helped Her Country at War


The Making of a Kohen


Rosh Hashanah Legacy 1972


In Praise of the Pomegranate


In the Footsteps of Exodus 1947


Yiddish Speaker – Teach Yourself English


MagazineIsrael- 2019-homepage
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which kindle hope.
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