ESRA Magazine
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Volunteer Vibes

Did you know that every one of us in ESRA is the proud and privileged owner of what is an inestimable asset in Israel? That is the ability to speak, read and write English with ease and fluency.

The ESRA ETP, English Tutoring Program, enables you to utilize this asset.

IT IS SO EASY………No teaching experience is necessary; just a willingness to chat with students at high school, or at a more junior level if you prefer.

Facts & Figures:

187 ESRA ETP tutors.

60 different schools around the country in which we have placed ESRA ETP tutors.

15 branches of ESRA represented in this program.

We urge you to indulge yourself and become part of this growing band of English speakers who have the privilege of interacting with the youth in Israel in a positive and constructive way.

Recent comments from volunteer tutors (amongst many):

"The weekly meeting with the kids was the highlight of my week".

"In terms of public service, this volunteering activity cannot be beat……not only does the student benefit, but the volunteer derives immense pleasure and pride from interacting with the young people".

Comments from teachers and English inspectors at schools:

"You should know that whatever you do has a great influence on the lives and performance of the children you sit with…"

"The life of a child can be turned around by an English-speaking volunteer, whose main contribution is just being there for the kids".

From the Head of Volunteering in Raanana:

"I would like to see more volunteers participating in this wonderful opportunity to talk in English and to build the students' confidence".


To participate in this exciting program, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or call your Branch ETP coordinator. 



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