ESRA Magazine
ESRAmagazine categories


Speechless - A Book Review


The Bridge Builder - A Book Review


Musical Thrills, Tasty Delights


Golfers enjoy a Great Day


Call 101! MDA Ambulance spotted in UK


Either Side of the Divide - A Book Review


Like being in Euro Song Competition!


Memories are Made of This


Preserving the Deeds of a 16th Century Zionist


Vignettes of the Yom Kippur War


Yom Kippur 5777 – Fear on Erev Yom Kippur


Kids are Learning Computer Skills


The Gatekeepers are not Guilty


Last Hike of the Season


Never the Twain


Taking flight ... Max’s bird trail


Remembering Those Who Perished on Journey Home


Murder in the Choir - A Book Review


Time on my Hands


Let them eat Cake!


MagazineIsrael- 2019-homepage
There are pockets of coexistence
which kindle hope.
Old cities and very new cities with amazing stories
Find out about the Israeli art scene
The best tours in Israel with ESRA members