ESRA Magazine
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Right-Tracking Netanya

After the summer break the two Netanya Right Track centers – Neot Shaked in the south and Hefzibah in the east - recommenced their regular activities. ESRA's role in these afternoon municipal centers for teenagers at risk is the employment of professional teachers at the centers to help the students with their school studies.

We have seven teachers at these two centers this year, teaching small groups a total of 40 hours a week. The subjects taught are Hebrew (grammar, composition and comprehension), Bible, Mathematics and English. A large majority of the children are of Ethiopian extraction and the remainder are from the former Soviet Union or third generation Israelis from North Africa.

The centers are open between 5pm and 8pm five days a week, with the teaching taking place on up to four of those days. The students come from homes with a limited income where their parents cannot afford to pay for private lessons. Over 100 students have been availing themselves of the opportunity to get help with their homework, catch up with the material taught in class, prepare for examinations and improve their grades. Additional students join this core group in each of the centers as the school year progresses and they feel the pressure to prepare for tests and examinations. From March till June several dozen more students usually join the groups in all subjects.

ESRA employs knowledgeable and keen teachers, each with a lot of classroom experience. These teachers have been successfully working with the Right Track program for many years and have helped several hundred children cope with their studies. ESRA receives reports from the coordinators three times a year on attendance, on the subject matter taught, and on student grades.

ESRA has been involved in the Right Track Centers for the past 16 years, since 1998, actively giving supplementary education to immigrant and disadvantaged youth. Our philosophy and practical help have advanced and enriched thousands of youth. 



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