ESRA Magazine
ESRAmagazine categories

Milestones 178

Freda Pincus at 95


§ Kfar Saba
Evelyn Sachs


§ On your daughter
Ilana & Dovik Stein, on Noa (we apologize for the misspelling in magazine #177)
Ofrah & Adam Faust, on Naomi

§ On your granddaughter
Phillipa & Ilan Blatt, on Naomi

§ On your great granddaughter
Sandy & Rafi Sassonkin, on Alex
Dov Silverman


§ On your son
Naomi & Barry Insell, on Danny

§ On your grandson
Barbara & Harry Lipchin, on
Chanania Greenblatt

§ On your grandddaughter
Toni & Charles Green
Marsha & Teddy Edelstein, on Daniella


§ On your daughter
Gillian & Lee Heron

§ On your grandson
Becky Marock, on Andrew Rubin to Jacqui Korenko

Freda Lanesman, on Rafi 


§ On your daughter
Mickey & Mona Dezent, on Karin to Zafrir
Razel & Jonathan Rabinowitz, on Arielle to Yosef
Helen & Michael Motro, on Iris to Tomer Feingold
Linda & Mike Sherrington, on Ilana to Itai

§ On your son
Hindy & Eli Lederman
Caroline & Marc Low, on Yoel to Shani

§ On your grandson
Aliza Marks


Barbara & Harry Lipchin


Adele Hunter | 70
David Marcus | 99
Freda Pincus | 95
Miriam Shapiro | 80
Richard Stein | 70


Alan Stein on receiving the CAMERA (The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) 2015 Award as Letter-Writer of the Year.


Stella & David Padeh


§ On your husband
Lynn Gamadi, on Nahum
Tala Bar Rubin, on Norman
Shirley Schwartz, on Leon
Ruth Widerker, on Jack
Alexander Zwick, on Akiva

§ On your wife
Reuven Narunsky, on Yvonne

§ On your father
Leah Ben Yosef
Tali & Nimrod Kerem, on Ariel
Rafi, Galia, Danny, Leli on Paul Kohn

§ On your mother
Ryna Kedar
Susie Miller, on Dora Vernon
Sharyn Weizman

§ On your sister
Doreen Rosen, on Lily
Shimon Gewirtz

§ On your aunt
Judy Shapiro, on Roz Grossman

§ Family / friends of
Hannah Bergman
Monty Bernstein
Daphne Davis
Chava Goffer
Norma Isaacson
Charley Levine
Elaine Rosenberg
Edith Sherman



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