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Children turn the Tables on

Meira Applebaum with a gift from the children. Photos: Mike Altman & Terry Morris

Every year the Ruppin Marine Science Institute in Michmoret gives us new surprises at the end of year ceremony of ESRA's Project of Excellence for our two groups of 18 teenagers, who study once a week at the Institute.

This year, on a tour of the premises by the teenagers, their parents and a large group of ESRA members were shown how the kids dissected a shark in the laboratories as part of the program. Where else would they ever get to do this? (It's usually the other way round – the shark does the dissecting!)

We were also shown the marine-farming experiment where herbs are grown hydroponically on lava stones, using the water from fish tanks which is rich in nutrients. This type of farming is starting to take place throughout Israel. It is a real space-saving solution in our country. 

Checking out the shark parts in the laboratory

Our visit can never end without a walk to the NEVE ESRA garden to see how our teenagers are giving back to the college by planting and taking care of a herb and vegetable garden for the use of all the college students.

The lovely power point presentation at the end of our stay showed us all the fun days on, around and in the sea – where the teenagers don't even realize that they are actually learning skills of teamwork, discipline and exercise.

Thanks to: Meira and Jack Applebaum for their generosity in supporting the project; to the diligent efforts of our ESRA volunteer on the project, Dorith Bigon; to our two scholarship students, Chaim and Bunchi, without whom the teenagers wouldn't get there (and eat there!); and of course to our partners, the Ruppin Marine Science Institute and to Udi Friedreich, their Director. 



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