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A Change in Life

Home sweet home ... Meira with husband Jack and Jack’s sister, Roslyn Segal, in their new home

We had been thinking about moving to a smaller apartment. Suddenly, our 8-room home was way too large – too much to take care of – too much to handle. We had a problem. Our kids were close by. That was the reason we moved there in the first place. We had had 18 years to watch our grandchildren grow and be a part of all their lives. Now the grandchildren had moved on. Many of our friends in Kochav Yair were no longer there. Some had passed away; more had moved away. The place had changed for us. It was time to go.

We had visited Protea in the Village several times in the past five years along with other similar homes. We were finally shown an apartment there that looked right for us, albeit needing some major changes. We agreed to take the apartment and began adapting it for our needs. We put in a new kitchen, upgraded the bathroom and rearranged the bedroom. The result was lovely and suited our requirements.

But moving is never easy, especially when you need to reevaluate your material requirements in your later years as much as we did. Somehow, we packed up as much as we could accommodate in our new apartment, and with the help of our kids… we moved! We began life in an apartment and now, it seems, we would end it in an apartment too.

There were many adjustments: new rules to learn, new people to meet. It took a month to get our pictures on the wall, our TV to work, our telephones to ring. I spent the first few weeks just waiting for someone to do something! It is finally "the way I want it". It looks just lovely and is a pleasure to see. We have had lots of company, both old friends and new ones. I have learned to bake cakes in my new oven and cook on my electric range. It is not easy getting used to smaller spaces, especially in the kitchen. I am used to cooking and baking. Perhaps it is time to forgo some of that…

I no sooner learned my new address than I found myself facing a physical problem. My back, probably due to new stress, completely collapsed and required immediate attention. In a matter of days, I was operated on. I had a lumbar laminectomy. To my great surprise, I was in and out of the hospital in three days. My newest companion became and has continued to be my walking stick. I don't move without it – rather I can't move without it! The two of us rattle around our new space together trying to accommodate each other. It ain't easy. I usually drop my stick at least 20 times a day for one reason or another. I won't repeat the language when that occurs. My new schedule now begins early in the morning where you can find me at 6:30am in the pool trying out all my new exercises. That is the only environment in which I feel normal as I can walk, swim (sort of) and move freely. It is a joy and I hate to leave. I have made several new friends in the water and that too is delightful.

I have joined the drama club and will soon begin Tanach lectures. As we begin to learn our way around here, I am sure we will open other avenues of activities.

This is a new beginning – a new year – a new life! 



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