ESRA Magazine
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Happy birthday! Have a ticket to see a movie

ESRA supports an outstanding group of children from Netanya who are designated as gifted. You only have to talk with these young people to realize that they are truly extremely bright. They are selected from grades 7, 8 and 9 to study marine biology, chemistry and knowledge of the Mediterranean Sea. The program is directed by the Ruppin Marine Science Institute at Michmoret. The instructors are themselves marine biology students.

The children study every Thursday, and ESRA volunteer, Dorith Bigon, accompanies them from their school to Michmoret. She helps the children during their course and makes sure they arrive home safely.

This year ESRA introduced a new addition to its program. Four times a year the children have a birthday celebration. Each one receives a beautiful birthday letter with a special gift inside - a free ticket to a movie in Netanya. Some of them have never had the opportunity to go to a movie. Our dedicated volunteer, Dorith, bakes a delicious chocolate cake to share with all the children. 

Some of the Netanya youngsters who are studying marine biology

Last month the children planted a new garden with the help of Hannah Wende from Wende's nursery, who generously supplied the plants. Each plant is labeled with the name of the student responsible for its care. Hopefully the garden will bloom beautifully thanks to the efforts of all our students.

Someday, not too far off, these children will be our new Israeli leaders. What a blessing ESRA has provided for them and for all of us in Israel. 



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