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We’re the Fashionistas!

The women in the dresses they have made, including Asmara (middle) wearing the one she’s created for her son’s wedding

For many years members of ESRA Kfar Saba and the Ethiopian women of our sewing group have met to celebrate another productive and successful period of creativity and friendship. The purpose of this group, which began more than 17 years ago, has been to provide a social experience, as well as an opportunity to acquire a skill that will elevate the members' self-esteem. It has also given local English speaking immigrants and Ethiopian immigrants a chance to get to know each other.

Under the dynamic leadership of Ziona Agulnik and her creative band of sewing teachers – Denise Silverman, Harriet Eisenberg, Bobbie Gil, Jean Ullman and the many others who have helped over the years - the women have learned to use sewing machines and patterns, and with the lovely fabrics donated by ESRA supporters, they have created fashions for themselves and for members of their families. 

Enjoying the buffet after the fashion show

This last fashion show, held at Beit Avraham, the community center in their neighborhood, was the best ever. Each seamstress modeled the dress she had made, and the highlight was Asmara, who wore the dress she had created for her son's wedding. It was white with her beautiful embroidery cascading down the front.

We were again honored to have with us the "First Lady of Kfar Saba," Tova Geller, who, each year, has something wonderful to say, delighting us with her philosophy of optimism and gratitude for our lives here in Israel. 

ESRA Vice Chair Baruch Tanaman at the event

We were also very pleased to have Baruch Tanaman, ESRA Vice Chair, who braved this all-female event to join our celebration.

The morning ended with a buffet of traditional Ethiopian foods prepared by our sewing ladies, which was a delicious, if bittersweet, farewell to the long-time participants of the group.

We have now started a new, younger group of women – and one man! – which meets in the evening, allowing working people to learn to sew. We look forward to a long and fruitful future together.

(Photos taken by our house photographer, Steph Cohen, to whom we are most grateful.) 



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