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War Effort: Sylvie & Dan Schapira and Bruce Firstman

Sylvie and Daniel Schapira with their dog Nessie

It was while helping preparing food at Meir Panim in Or Akiva to be sent down South for the army that the thought of our soldiers eating cold food on their bases near the front lines galvanized retired psychotherapist Sylvie Schapira and her retired doctor husband Daniel into action. After putting out pleas for donations in the Five Towns area (Hadera to Zichron Ya'akov) they managed to purchase microwaves for heating the food.

After that, they received many requests from the Purchasing Officers (Rasaps) of a variety of army units for generators, helmets and ceramic vests. In particular, they worked closely with Ben G. whose unit provided the bodyguards for a general in Gaza.

Their first substantial donation arrived from Shmuel Sackett's charity in Israel and then donations flowed in. Sufficient funds arrived to provide the much needed equipment. A call for delivery drivers led to retired engineer and qualified pilot, Bruce Firstman from the Hadera area, undertaking numerous trips to the front line bases in both the North and South - bearing equipment and much appreciated cards and letters from local children. Josh Laurence undertook to provide BBQ meals for soldiers in the north and south too.

Retired engineer and qualified pilot, Bruce Firstman (left), with army unit acquisitions officer Ben G.


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