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Voices Israel Poetry Prize

Photo credit: John Jennings on Unsplash

VOICES ISRAEL GROUP OF POETS IN ENGLISH - Poetry prize press release

This month, Voices Israel launched the 33rd annual Reuben Rose International Poetry Competition, in memory of Voices founder, Reuben Rose. His vision was to promote poetry writing in English in Israel but in fact the work of Voices Israel has spread far beyond its borders.

This year's competition will be judged by the distinguished award-winning poet, Yehoshua November who teaches writing at Rutgers University and Touro College, together with last year's prize-winners, Reuven Goldfarb of Safed and Yiskah Rosenfeld of California.

First prize $500; second prize $150; third prize $50. In addition, the judges award ten honorable mentions. The winning poems will be published in the 2023 Voices Anthology.

Submit original poetry on any topic. Closing date: 15th October, 2022.

Details of submission:

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