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Voices Israel Anthology 2023

Reviewed by Morty Leibowitz

Once again, it is my privilege to review the newest issue of Voices Israel Anthology 2023. This beautifully organized, edited and designed Volume once again has an outstanding collection of Poems, in addition to a section devoted to the winners of the Bar Sagi Prizes for young poets and of the Reuben Rose Memorial Competition. The range of topics touched upon is broad but will particularly resonate with readers of ESRA magazine as the demographics of the poets, not only writers from Israel but from the broader English-speaking world, represent sensitive, mature poets sharing passion for life, Judaism and Israel.

As before I always find poems that particularly touch me. On page 3 of the present anthology is a brief, poignant speculation written by Channah Moshe of Jerusalem, on the creation of the concept of Naught as applied both in Mathematics and Epistemology. It focuses one in a telling way on the origins of the Universe and man's development and embrace of rational and irrational beliefs all in succinct, well-chosen words.

On page 91 Michael Sandler compares, poetically, the origin of man being either "ash from burnt-out stars" or "genes shackling me to a chimp, fruit fly or rose" with the alternative of "the burning bush………. a summit's granite glow".

And of equal impact on page 18, Channah Moshe in a poem entitled After Military Enrollment, describes a mother's reaction when her son comes home from the army for a ten-day leave. Touching.

The Anthology is a package of profundity, humor, and enjoyment available by joining Voices Israel for the modest annual fee of NIS 120 (NIS 100 if ordered by April 1st for 2024 membership) and includes in addition to the Anthology monthly newsletters, discounts at poetry events and workshops. Details at

Published 2023 by Voices Israel Group of Poets in English, 148 pp. Softcover.


Comments 2

Guest - Dina Yehuda on Monday, 29 January 2024 16:42

Thank you for the heartwarming review!
Dina Yehuda
Editor Voices Anthology

Thank you for the heartwarming review! Dina Yehuda Editor Voices Anthology
Guest - Dina Yehuda on Monday, 29 January 2024 16:43

Thank you for that review.
Dina Yehuda
Editor Voices Anthology

Thank you for that review. Dina Yehuda Editor Voices Anthology
Monday, 10 March 2025

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