ESRA Magazine
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Twelve celebrate turning 12!

A proud moment . . . some of the batmitzvah girls pose for the camera

he Hall was decorated with flags and balloons, and the tables were laden with good things to nibble. It was time for the fourth annual batmitzvah event for 12 girls along with their mothers from the Students Build a Community project in Netanya. As always, the atmosphere was a happy one and the program was familiar. First came the distribution of special stones, which the girls sanded, washed and oiled, turning them into candlesticks.While the worktables were being cleared for the next activity, the girls gathered round 12 posters, each depicting one of the girls. Each girl autographed and decorated her poster which personalized it. Next, the girls were given a practical lesson in the preparation of challot for Shabbat, accompanied by an explanation of the law of Hafrashat Challah. Finally, after pizza slices, cold drinks and frozen ices, came the highlight of the evening. Each girl received a hand-made bracelet (an ESRA gift donated by Nataliz – Natali Jewelry Design), a personal siddur (donated by the Hefzibah Community Center) and the poster they had decorated earlier, framed and ready to hang in their homes. ESRA initiated its batmitzvah events four years ago, which are enjoyed by the girls, their mothers and the students who tutor them throughout the year. Hopefully, the batmitzvah events will continue to be an important part of the project in the years to come. 



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