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The Song that had us in Tears

The four 6th Grade girls performing their song, Little Gifts

SBC: Students Build a Community – End of year parties

5th Graders performing
Compere: Rivka Ashegere

This year we decided to have four small parties in each neighborhood instead of the large formal one - and what a lot of talent appeared. The students and their kids entertained each other and their parents with speeches, dancing, singing, quizzes, a magic show and so much fun was had by all. The following song, written and performed by four 6th grade girls and dedicated to their student, had us all in tears and says it all. The original song is by Shlomo Artzi and gained huge popularity among the younger generation. Below is a rough translation from the Hebrew:

Little Gifts 

It began one sunny day, we had only just met the project. Something new was starting and excitement flooded us – Lital, Mayan, Maisie and me (Natali).

Then we met our student Sarah. We went into her apartment which became our own home.

We knew each other and studied at the same school but the project gave us the opportunity to become good friends.


Little gifts, someone has sent me little gifts. Fragments of intention, circles of faith. Little gifts, someone has sent me little gifts. Like the power to accept what there is and what there isn't. What more can we ask for?

And now we have reached our last day. We are no longer little girls. The project will be an integral part of us always. Thank you for the friendship, values, giving, teaching us to accept our differences and unconditional love.

Because you chose us and blessed us.

Thank you for the privilege of being in the project.

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