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The Black Hole of Routine

Photo credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

The black hole of routine

a relentless vacuum of dreams succumbed

stories untold

seemingly unnoticed

paths crisscrossed in inexorable knots.

Gazing over the horizon of human ties,

perplexity vanishes in the vanguard of sincerity

the longing for simplicity in the


of transition and evolution.

The dawn breaks with hope and aspiration

but momentous episodes of personal detriment

humble ambition

to the numbing repeated theme of lost causes.

Spiraling cyclical effects infiltrate

with insinuations to battlefields and combat

the reiteration of conflict a common occurrence of the inevitable.

Illustrations of harmonious melodies—called illusions

pinnacles—ostensibly unattainable

crescendos —allegedly impossible…

The true tragedy: denial of the possible.

Morton Leibowitz

October 24 2013



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