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Thanks for the Funding

Several years ago, the Prottaska Fund, under the guidance of Hinda Buchbinder, gave a generous donation to ESRA, to further the education of single mothers who are struggling to get an education to support their children.

At the time we supported several women, all of whom achieved their educational needs and bettered their work positions by becoming bookkeepers, medical secretaries, early childhood education support helpers and more.

A few months ago, I was contacted again by one of the young women whom the Prottaska Fund had helped with a bookkeeping diploma. The Ethiopian-born young woman had one child and was determined to succeed. She asked if we could possibly help her once again to continue her education and improve her living standard.

Ms. Buchbinder was happy to help through the Prottaska fund (in her father's memory) and sent the funding for this education. Here is the letter we received from the recipient:

Dear Ms. Buchbinder,

In honor of ESRA, I would like to thank you for your great contribution. Since you first helped finance my tuition, it has helped me to move forward in life and gain knowledge and experience in the field of accounting.

When I finished the first course, I did not go straight to work in the profession because I did not find work in the field. But after about three years, I eventually found work and started working for a tax consultant to this day. What made me want and aspire to go further and to acquire more knowledge and experience is mainly that I can make more money and, of course, so that I can support my son, who is today eight years old.

You are now helping me a second time and I appreciate it very much. Today I am studying salaries and payroll and my desire is to advance in the field and to integrate into large companies in the hope of earning more money in order to meet the needs of my people, and my needs. I'm a very ambitious girl, who wants to learn more and more. I will again thank you for your generosity, because without this help I would not be what I am today.

With warm regards and wishing you a shanatova, Esty."

Who could ask for a better way to start the New Year? Thank you Hinda!" 



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