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Tel Aviv falls in love with Streisand


he question was on everyone's lips – "Are you going?" It was the hottest show in town.

Yes, the famous Barbra Streisand was about to descend on Tel Aviv and everyone wanted to be there – a Jewish girl from Brooklyn, whose fame is known worldwide, had chosen to perform the last of her mini-tour concerts in Israel. As the time drew near, my excitement was rising, despite thinking we could have had a weekend away with the money I paid for the ticket.

The evening arrived and I was one of four ladies on their way to Bloomfield Stadium in a taxi. The crowds poured in and the show began. We were first treated to a slide show of her early years as a child in Brooklyn through to the beginning of her successful showbiz career.

And then, there she was in all her glory, live on stage, in a full-length flowing gown, greeting us with her limited Hebrew and saying how special it was to have her final shows in Israel. Everyone went wild.

The evening was magical - her still strong voice reaching every corner as she sang the songs we all knew so well - bringing back floods of special memories.

Barbra chatted with the audience at various times, sharing a slide show which her son Jason Gould had made for her recent "special" birthday. He'd also written a loving song to go with the slide show. Together they sang the song as he dramatically appeared live on stage and her love for him shone through. Later she introduced her sister whom she'd brought to Israel with her. 

All in the family . . . Barbra Streisand on stage with sister Roslyn Kind and son Jason Gould

As we entered we'd been asked to suggest questions for Barbra to answer, and so she did. Her feelings for her family were made clear to all when she was asked why she toured with her family. Having them with her was important to her.

Suddenly she was singing the Hatikvah and the evening was coming to an end. An encore was demanded by her fans, and given. The concert was over too quickly and we walked away with joy and warmth in our hearts.

I can always spend a weekend away, but an evening enriched with the magic that is Barbra Streisand will never be repeated again, and will remain a wonderful memory for a long time to come. 



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