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Syd Kenny 1920 – 2013

Syd Kenny ... joined an elite group

Syd Kenny, born Sydney Kentridge, passed away in Israel on August 9, 2013.

Syd was born in 1920 in South Africa into the famous Kentridge family (advocate and artist), joined the South African air force during the 2nd world war and was conscripted into the RAF with whom he fought many tough battles in North Africa.

With the founding of the State of Israel, Sydney Kentridge joined an elite group of Machal air force personnel in forming Israel's air force, and was appointed head of the Israeli air force flying school. After many years in this prestigious position he was appointed as Israel's Air Attaché in the USA, but not before Syd Kentridge was asked to change his name to a more Israeli-Jewish name, so he became known as Dan Kenny. Later, Syd returned to Israel where he served out the rest of his career with the Israeli air force. His contribution as one of the "fathers" of the Israeli air force is respected and well documented.

Syd is sadly missed by his daughters, Ronit and Michal, and their children and grandchildren. 



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