ESRA Magazine
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Still being inspired by great lecturers in Netanya

Ben-Dror Yemini ... captivating

We are happy to report that our fifth ESRA lecture series this year was exceptional and highly successful.

We are very lucky that the lecturers with whom we started have continued to be loyal to our series year after year – Anat Gueta, Eyal Offenbach, Ethan Melamed, Erela Keinan and Guy Baum have consistently attracted a large and satisfied audience.

In addition, we have been fortunate to have had some spectacular lecturers including Ephraim Lapid, Moshe Arens, Charles Green, Yori Kramer and Jonny Safren, who have enriched our audiences.

Our record attendance this year was with the well-known Israeli journalist, Ben-Dror Yemini, who captivated us with his wealth of knowledge and mind boggling facts.

It has been most encouraging that our audience has also been very loyal and committed. We hope this continues in all our future series.

Our greatest feeling of satisfaction is in knowing that the profits from our lectures go towards ESRA's very worthwhile projects in Netanya - Students build a Community, the Clubhouse for Girls at Risk, the Ethiopian Sewing Centers and Dance Group, the Right Track Centers and the Marine Science Project for Excellence at Michmoret. 



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