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Sea of Learning for All

Teamwork builds new friendships at Ruppin Marine Science Institute, Michmoret (Photos: Dennis Kaliser)
The Applebaums

This year, the participants, parents, donors and ESRA volunteers were treated to a look into the laboratories and lectures of this project of excellence.

We joined the 36 kids in a lecture on jellyfish, followed by a lecture on octopi and the research being done on both these sea creatures. It was fascinating. Who knew that studying the brain of an octopus could lead to such advances in human research!

The subjects these kids get involved with (and really get involved – not only in frontal learning, but in experiments and research in the laboratories) - are an education not only for them but also for our scholarship students from the Students Build a Community Project, who travel with them and assist them. It really opens new and interesting worlds. 

Our 9th grade kids who are now going into high school have asked if we could consider using them next year for their "Personal Volunteering" that they have to do in 10th grade, and bring them as helpers to the new kids starting the project. What an exciting idea. We're now working on it with the schools, and hope that we will be accepted as a permanent place for the Personal Volunteering project.

Thanks to the Applebaums who are always with us, Dorit our amazing volunteer on the project, and to Udi Friedreich of the Youth Science Project at Michmoret who makes this dream come true year after year.Enter your text here ...

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