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Riding the Tiger

After brunch it’s time for a punch . . .expert Jill gives a brief course in self-defense. Story and photos by Flori Cohen

ESRA Modiin's brunch last November was an enjoyable event in "riding the tiger" with Jill Shames, a captivating instructor in self-defense. Jill has over 25 years of experience in this field, earned a 5-degree Black Belt in Karate, is executive director of El Halev (Israel's Women's Martial Arts Association) and head instructor of Impact Israel, instructing and teaching self-defense courses.

Our morning started with a delicious menu delightfully set up and prepared by Beverly Auerbach, together with members of our committee. After everyone had savored and enjoyed all the delicacies, Jill Shames took to the floor for the rest of the morning and gave us an outstanding short-form course in self-defense, stressing the importance of assertiveness, self-confidence and how to project strength. She also highlighted the fact that verbal confrontation was an important tool in self-defense, with the correct use of voice, what to say and how to say it. Today self-defense is being used to empower women by preparing them for whatever might come their way. 

Pulling no punches ... Jill Shames gives a self-defense demonstration in Modiin

Jill demonstrated the techniques of life-saving punches, grabs, kicks and blows - all very important factors when confronted by sudden difficult situations. We were captivated by the way she acted out the various moves and we especially enjoyed doing the motions with her. At one point Jill went up to each person in the audience and asked her to try the punching technique by hitting as hard as she could on her punching bag, whilst at the same time demonstrating the correct way to do this. This was quite hilarious with some funny moments.

The event was thoroughly enjoyed by one and all and we were lucky to have had such a wonderful instructor as Jill Shames. A big thank you to Jill from all of us at ESRA Modiin. 



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