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Reunification Talk Memories

 On the eve of the Tisha B'Av fast, we chanted Lamentations in the yard of the Reform synagogue in Modiin. We read to the light of candles, many of the participants sitting on the ground. I contributed by reading a short excerpt from Chapter 3, verses 20-28, which expresses hope, as in:

"Surely the Lord's mercies are not consumed, surely his compassions fail not."

After singing several dirges, we went into the small, beautifully appointed synagogue to hear a lecture by Dr. Ilan Ezrahi about his new book: Sane in her Dream - Tide and Depression in the 50 years of the Unification of Jerusalem. The author took us briefly through the history of Jerusalem until the Six Day War.

When he spoke of 29th of June 1967, when East and West Jerusalem were reunited and one was able to visit the Wall, I realized I was actually there, on that day, and have pictures to prove it. Nineteen years old, a volunteer on a kibbutz, I had traveled alone to Jerusalem to be present on the day of its reunification. Very moved by the realization of my participation in this moment of history.

I shared it with the gathering, as I am sharing it with you.



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