ESRA Magazine
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Putting their Skates on for a Demo

Photos: Richard Halon
Eddie and Natalie Shapiro

 An exciting end of year event took place at the Skatepark in Netanya. This year two groups ended their year-long course with a great demonstration for their friends, family, donors and ESRA volunteers. All twenty-four kids received a gift of their equipment from the Meyer Shapiro Skateboard Fund. As these gifts are only given to the kids who have attended and participated in all the sessions it was very exciting to see that no-one was left out. The kids were thrilled as this allows them to continue skating on their own throughout the summer holidays – a big bonus!

Our thanks go to Maoz and Almog, their teachers, who proved to the kids that it doesn't matter how many times you fail, as long as you get up smiling and try again, you will succeed in the end. Thanks, too, to our two scholarship students, Rifka and Miki, who escorted the kids throughout the year, adding the skills of discipline and self-control.

Thanks to Eddie and Natalie Shapiro, we look forward to another year of fun, education and success and hope to be adding another two groups to our list.

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