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Pump up the VOLUME!

Some of the young performers

 The many young people living in the Hefzibah and Neot Ganim neighborhoods of Netanya don't know how lucky they are. They'll find out soon enough when they start coming to the "Volume Music Center" which recently opened its doors and invited everyone to come along and discover what was going on.

Cellcom and the Netanya Municipality together with ESRA and the local Community Centers have started a center for all youth of the area who wish to enter the wonderful world of music … listening, playing, learning, enjoying ... music in its endless forms and variations.

At a time when violence among our youth is such a serious issue, music is one of the few ways of combatting boredom, anger and frustration which make the lives of these young people so difficult. The music world of today is not the stylized atmosphere that it once was, available only to those who could afford instruments and lessons. Music today expresses the feelings of those who are affected by pop culture, and there is a wealth of talent waiting to be discovered. Hopefully, the Volume Music Center will be a source of encouragement for these young people to express themselves, and in so doing will lead them to appreciate patience, teamwork and community involvement.

The Center operates three times a week from 15:00 to 21:00 throughout the year. Run by a professional staff of teachers, youth leaders and ESRA volunteers, it will help and encourage all who come within its doors to find the music best suited for them. They will learn for themselves what form their music will take, be it instrumental, vocal or just pure listening pleasure.

ESRA, already well-established in these neighborhoods, is very proud to be a part of the Center together with Cellcom, the Community Centers of East Netanya and Hefzibah and the Netanya Municipality.

At the launch ... the Mayor of Netanya, Miriam Feirberg, flanked by ESRA Chairperson Brenda Katten (left) and Nina Zuck


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