ESRA Magazine
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Presents from the Children at After-School Purim Party

A gift for organizer Naomi Aharoni

ESRA Rishon Lezion organized a Purim party at its adopted after-school center, Ofakim. The organizer of this event – as well as all other events at Ofakim – Naomi Aharoni, prepared a short quiz on the story of Purim, as well as games for the kids. They were given masks to color in and decorate, and the children took turns in reading portions of the hand-drawn Megillat Esther. Then they each received a plate of goodies, including home-made cupcakes, lollipops, marshmallows and wafers, and of course, hamantaschen. Zvi, the instructor at Ofakim, thanked the members of ESRA for all the help ESRA gives to the center throughout the year, and presented each member with a Purim gift basket prepared by the children together with their teachers. It was fun for everyone, and ESRA members left with the feeling of joy at seeing how much the children enjoy having us there and how much our efforts, especially those of Naomi, are appreciated. 



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