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Ode to my Move to Beth Protea

Barbara-Garde_20200127-151142_1 Barbara Blum in her garden at Beth Protea. Photo: Lynette Karp

 I thought and thought but could not know what joy to me

the move would bring.

For twice I came and turned away, far, far too small;

no chance to swing.

So, to solitude and all alone with none to share

the aching pain.

"Do not hasten, it will go well." Alas, the heart is sad and lame.

Tempus fugit! 'Tis no man's mate. Only a fool would stand and wait.

Trembling, nervous and full of hope, back I went;

perhaps I'm late.

To me a smiling fortune said, "Be bold, go in, behold

the views.

Have no fear your turn soon will come. Tune well your ear to hear good news."

Of such happiness knew I not; a room, garden and

the sky above.

Green bushes midst flowering plants, singing birds and a friendly dove.

Hurry, hurry, waste not your hours. Settle while now

the sun is high.

Take what you need for comfort's sake, for youth is

Waiting, standing by.

The warm twilight has gently come; so to sleep, secure

and peaceful.

Take heed my friends, do not delay.

Come in, join, you will be happy. 

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