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New Year Greetings 2020


ESRA members wish family and friends a Happy New Year 

Ruth Barina
Ellen Davies
Shirley Frame
Lenore and Herb Hahn
Shelley Morris
Arne and Nydia Rabuchin
Adele and Mike Rubin   
Jonathan Shalev 

Shana Tova to Merle and ESRA staff. Wishing you all health happiness light love and forgiveness. Your magazine is excellent, keep it going.
Leon Charney

We wish all our family and friends a very healthy and Happy New Year.
Gill and Ronnie Cole

Looking forward to a better year than this one. Happy New Year to one and all.
Ida and Jack Copelovici

Wishing all our friends in Israel Shana Tova and a healthy year. We hope to see you all again very soon, with love,
Sara and Raymond Crammer and family, Herzliya, Israel and Hale, UK

Wishing our dear family and friends Shana Tova, a year filled with excellent health, happiness and peace.
Barbara and Norman Emdin

We wish Daniel, Sophie, granddaughter Ava, Michael, Philip and Moran, family and friends a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year and well over the fast.
Linda and Alan Gill

My best wishes to Merle Guttmann and the entire staff for a happy and healthy New Year. May you continue with enthusiasm all the good work you are doing.
Ilse Gluckstadt, Karmiel

Wishing everyone a happy and in particular a healthy New Year.
Jackie and David Graham

Thank you all for your ongoing, invaluable commitment, involvement, encouragement and support. It is you - our readers, volunteers, donors, advertisers and staff - who make ESRA the dynamic, versatile and unique organization that it is. Wishing you good health and spirit, and Happy New Year. 
Merle Guttmann

We send our best wishes to all the ESRA family. Wishing you all a happy, peaceful and healthy new year.
Harry and Marion Hiller and the Haifa ESRA Branch

In these difficult times we would like to wish all our family and friends a Shana Tova.
Adele and Michael Hunter

Shana Tova to our family and friends. We wish us all a year of happiness, peace, good health, and togetherness.
Maureen and Jack Hoch

Kol hakavod to ESRA. Years of supporting so many needy and important activities in Israel. May you continue to grow from strength to strength. Thank you.
Orah and Irv Kaplan

Shana Tova to ESRA and all our wonderful members. A big "yeshakoach" on keeping ESRA going during these challenging days.
Brenda Katten

Wishing all our friends in Modiin and around the country a New Year which brings virus-free good health and a sweet
year for you and your families. May we all be inscribed for good in the Book of Life.
Missing you all.
Jackie and Alan Klein, South Africa

Chag Sameach to all my wonderful family and friends. Keep well and safe. With love
Susan Kurnedz

Dear Friends, with all very best wishes for a happy and peaceful and above all, Healthy New Year. May the coming year bring some solution to the world's current problems, and allow us to meet up again with family and colleagues.
Lucille Laketer

Wishing a Happy New Year to ESRA, our family and friends.
Annette and Roger Lavender

Wishing all our friends a healthy and covid-free and peaceful year. With best wishes,
Anita and Michael Leaf and family.

We wish our dear relatives and friends good health, happiness and ease of mind. This, too, will pass! Keep safe.
Sue and Rod Lever

A happy and healthy new year to all the members of ESRA, and a special good wish to Merle Guttmann, there's no one like her.
Eli Libenson

We wish all our family & friends a healthy, happy New Year and well over the fast.
Thalia and Frank Lichtenstein, Australia

All the very best to ESRA in the coming year. Let's hope it is a safe and healthy one for all.
Liz and Terry Morris

Shana Tova from Rehovot to all the ESRA family. Thanks for your support in these challenging times. Wishing health, happiness and peace to all.
ESRA Rehovot

Wishing all at ESRA, our friends and family peace, health and joy in a Corona-free New Year.
Juliet and Rusty Rostowsky

Greetings for the New Year. May all readers be blessed with a year full of good health, happiness and success in all your ways.
Michal and Paul Staszewski

Wishing all my family, friends, and all my hardworking colleagues on the Fundraising and Shop Committees. Happy New Year and Well Over the Fast.
Rena and Richard Stein

We wish all of the ESRA family, volunteers, members, donors and staff, a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.
Mimi and Baruch Tanaman

With best wishes for a New Year filled with good health.
Sharyn and Shlomo Weitzman

We wish all our friends a Happy New Year.
Hannah and Les Wende

Wishing ESRA continued success and Chag Sameach to all.
Gail and David Zeitouni

May this year be one of solidarity and love. May our people unite and go forward on a path of peace, understanding and good health. This has to be a year of strength and joy for all of Israel. Best wishes.
Nina and Mervin Zuck

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