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New ESRA Calendar

Following the great success of the ESRA Recipe Calendar 2014-15 we are proud to announce that we are already working on our new calendar for next year.

Once again it will be a 13-month calendar packed with lots of useful information such as Shabbat times, dates of the chagim and information about school holidays, not forgetting the exciting and interesting recipes appearing every month relating to the seasons and the festivals.

The current ESRA Recipe Calendar was very well received and all the extra copies were quickly sold out, and we were forced to disappoint many people who wanted to send them as gifts.

Here are a few of the comments from ESRA members:

"… how thoughtful of ESRA, in composing the wall calendar, to include the school holidays. I volunteer at the local elementary school, and I just copied the holidays into my diary, so I know when not to go to school!" Judith Ronat, Kfar Saba.

"… thanks to ESRA for the fabulous calendar. SUPER IDEA!" Ghita Sacks Wolpowitz, USA.

"Congratulations whoever made up the recipes. The recipes must be good as my wife actually uses them – the highest honor I have witnessed in many years." Michael Altman, Netanya.

"I received my calendar (by mail) last week and I was so impressed with it that I felt I had to congratulate the Calendar Committee on a wonderful achievement." Aliza Marks, Netanya.

"Many thanks for the beautiful calendar which arrived recently. It is both useful and attractive and I would like to extend my thanks to those involved in its production." Ruth Sobol, Ramat Efal.

"Thank you so much for the calendar. What a lot of hard work." Robert & Carolyn Casselson, Netanya.

All the proceeds from the advertising and sponsors of the Calendar will again go towards funding ESRA's Community Projects and will make a significant contribution to disadvantaged individuals and disadvantaged communities.

The ESRA Recipe Calendar 2015-16 will be distributed free of charge to all paid-up ESRA members, so we ask everyone to support us and become a sponsor, either by simply having your name listed on the Sponsors' Page for NIS 120 or listing your children or grandchildren for NIS 50 per name.

For more information about the ESRA Recipe Calendar 2015 – 16 please contact:

Susan – 052 698 9088 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or

ESRA office – 09 950 8371 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 



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