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New Blood and Ideas Wanted

Glenis Bertfield

I have just returned from my first Central Regional Branch meeting. The "job" of coordinator of this regional branch is new to me and most of all I wanted to introduce myself to the various committees.

The central area includes Kfar Saba, Tel Aviv, Raanana, Herzliya and Ramat Hasharon. All the branch chairs were present as were Brenda Katten, our national ESRA chairperson, and Yonit Gurfinkel, the executive director. Members of each committee also attended.

The idea was to find out how ESRA can assist the branches, to discuss current issues and together find solutions.

One recurring issue was the need for new blood, and to find new ideas for the future. We had a very interesting brain storming session, a pleasant breakfast and talked about our challenges.

We discussed the idea of getting newly retired people to have an understanding of ESRA and to inform them of the many options available on retirement.. One suggestion was to make contact with companies in the area and suggest to them the volunteer opportunities available. There is also a need to get the message to new immigrants from the USA, South Africa and the UK.

The meeting ended with everyone feeling that their concerns have been discussed and they enjoyed the opportunity to meet all the groups in the area. A meeting every three months was also suggested so as to keep everyone informed of developments. 



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