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Neighborhood Kids Put Skates On!

Skates-197 Yoni Benjamin with the boys outside
The boys putting on their equipment

In an effort to offer an interesting and energetic activity to kids in one of the less advantaged areas of Beer Sheva, Carole Rosenblatt, Branch Chair and Robert Arnow, our ESRA Volunteer for the project, met with Shoshana Saloman, a social worker who works with children in the neighborhood.

The program, which is under the auspices of Meir Alfassi, Manager of the Beer Sheva Sports Programs for Kivuniim, is organized by Galit Chen and Yoni Daniel. Another Yoni, Yoni Benjamin, a young man with beautiful long hair and soon-to-be university student who just happens to be an enthusiastic expert skateboarder will be the trainer for 'the neighborhood boys'.

ESRA volunteer Robert Arnov helping close the helmets that ESRA sent

Thanks to a donor from ESRA, all the equipment the kids will ever need arrived in time. Yoni Benjamin helped the kids understand how important it is that the equipment be correctly fitted. Both Yoni and Robert showed them how to put on the helmets, knee guards, etc. that they will wear when they actually go out to skate.

The group, which will grow to even more kids, will meet every Sunday at 4pm at a local sports field where they can practice. In a couple of weeks, when the kids are ready, they will enjoy 'real action' at Beer Sheva's Skatepark.

It was really great to see another ESRA program coming to fruition. 

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