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Nationwide Quiz a Big Hit

The Netanya team having fun at the quiz and (below) enjoying the food. Photos: Mike Altman

Reports gathered from the 14 teams participating in ESRA's first ever nationwide quiz indicate that this will become an annual event. As well as providing a fun evening for branches all over the country, the event raised over NIS 10,000 for ESRA's Bayit Cham projects. 

Taking part were teams from Eilat, Givatayim, Herzliya, Karmiel, Kfar Saba, Kfar Yona, Modiin, Nahariya, Netanya, Raanana (Croop/Gould), Raanana (Shulman), Raanana (Hunter), Ramat Aviv and Tiberias.
Local quiz masters in each venue read out the same questions at the same time, and results were sent back to Quiz Headquarters at the Shulman's home in Raanana. The scoring was close all the way through, with the winners scoring an amazing 76 points out of a possible 80. Well done to all the winning Netanya team, Nancy Kramer (quiz master), Aliza Marks, Heather and Yudke Friedman, Barbara and Steve Kliner, Carol and Norman Kaye, Esther and Jack Tolkin, Henry and Ros Ben Ezra, Jacqui Waterman, Joan Weisman, Norma and Mike Altman, Susan and Pinchas Kurnedz, Lynn Ross, Adrian and Jackie Korsner.
Kudos to Glenis Bertfield, whose brainchild it was, to the question writers, Brian Fink and Ralph Barnett, to those that helped with logistics, David Shulman and Frankie Cronin, and to all the hosts and quiz masters in the various locations.

'Our score may have been bottom, but I bet we were top for laughs!'
Here are some of the comments received:
*We certainly enjoyed the quiz. Looks like this will become a regular feature! Well done.
*I meant to take pictures, but in all the excitement I forgot, which I really regret. We had a wonderful group of people, had lots of fun, and even learned a thing or two.
*Thanks again for all your hard work, and let's do it again next year.
*Well done! Great fun at our end.
*The team want to do this every month, they so enjoyed it.
*Thank you all for a wonderful evening full of laughter, good food and funny jokes.
*We may have been near the bottom of the league as far as the score went, but I am willing to bet we were at the top when it came to having fun.

*Thanks to all concerned for organizing such a great event. 



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