ESRA Magazine
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Memories are stirred by news of closure

Club members enjoying a day out in 1985

 Many happy memories were stirred by the last issue of the magazine when we broke the story that ESRA's longest-running group has had to close its doors due to dwindling membership. The Golden Age Club, which began life in 1980, finally put the shutters up this year – 32 years after its inauguration in Herzliya. Jackie Hanauer, the daughter of the club's first chairman, Harry Cole, wrote in to say how sorry she was to learn of the club's closure. The article prompted her to search through some old photos of her parents, who made aliyah from England in 1972. She found the picture which, she says, was taken in 1985 when the club was just five years old, with members obviously enjoying an outing. Her parents, Harry and Anne, can be seen standing on the left. The smaller photos were sent in by ESRAmagazine contributor Barbara Lyons. They were taken at the Queen Juliana home in Herzliya. "But I'm not sure when," explained Barbara in an email.

Standing is Barbara Blum with Natalie Goodman and Rachel Sopher.
Rachel (Cookie) Rabban with Cyril Fisher on her right, and on the left Natalie Goodman and Rachel Sopher.
Standing: Henry Blanks (back) and Deena White. Sitting: Sonia Fischler (left), Jo Granby and Gladys Sevitt (right).


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