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Mayor Outlines Plans for ‘City of the Future'

Mayor Haim Bibas addressing ESRA Modiin

The Master Plan for the development of Modiin over the next 20 years was presented in English by the city's Mayor, Haim Bibas, at an ESRA-sponsored event attended by about 80 residents.

Together with an impressive slideshow, he shared the city's positive aspects and achievements in such fields as its:

■Central location

■High socio-economic status

■Excellent standards of education

■High rate of military recruitment

■Plan to bring in academia

■Huge potential of an industrial and hi-tech zone at Modiin's northern end

■Very active volunteering scheme (there are more than 70 non-profit organizations),

■New city center, currently under construction

■Transport, sport, culture and parks

Due to time constraints, a limited number of questions were allowed – and there was no shortage of topics.

A toast to the New Year followed, with the Mayor's blessing and hope that Modiin would "grow to become the finest city in Israel."

In 2014 Mayor Bibas was elected Head of the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel, a position he still holds.

He is also on the Board of Directors of Mifal Hapayis – the National Lottery – which places him well for financing the building of public buildings in Modiin.

A popular official in the city, he has served two terms as Mayor, and will be standing for a third.

The evening began with an introduction by ESRA Modiin chair Cynthia Barmor, who spoke of the work and importance of Neve ESRA, Modiin's after-school care center for city children at risk.

Where children can find a safe haven for a few hours a week. 

Neve ESRA provides children, aged 9-12 years, the opportunity to spend time in a protective, warm, secure, and supportive environment, if only for a few hours each afternoon. Fifteen children can be accommodated, and they are referred by the local welfare department. Neve ESRA operates 5 days a week, 11 months a year, from 1-5pm. The center was recently renovated and refurbished by ESRA Modiin through donations and funds raised at the bookshop, activities and events. 



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