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Making New Friends at the Pesach Picnic in the Forest

(Above and below) Enjoying food, glorious food ... the Carmel Forest was the perfect setting for ESRA Haifa’s Pesach picnic

After last year's very successful Pesach picnic in the Carmel forest near Haifa University, the ESRA Haifa committee decided to make this into an annual event. A very colorful and attractive flyer was designed and sent out to the Haifa mailing list with a request for an RSVP, so we would see what response we would get. It did not take long before we had many replies, and then the second flyer went out with the details of where to meet or to be picked up. Everyone replied, giving their mobile phone numbers and the number of persons participating. (Last year, despite adequate instructions, many friends got lost and had to be rescued from far and wide). 

At 9 am on Tuesday April 26, the advance party of three ESRA members drove to the picnic area of the Carmel forest to choose and occupy tables for the brunch. They found two adjacent tables under the pine trees, each seating ten people. At 10 am I took up my position at the arranged bus stop in the Danya area on the main road leading up towards the university. One by one the cars arrived and waited in line behind my car for the last arrival, and by 10:30 we were on our way. It took five minutes to get there. We were 20 people, and so it worked out perfectly with the two tables. Hampers were opened and the eating and drinking began.

There was a party of five who were unknown to our committee, but who had heard about us from Marsha. We all became very friendly and found out that many of us had heard about each other before and also had many mutual friends. The newcomers have now become interested in ESRA, and we have become interested in the Haifa Grass Bowling Club to which they are connected.

The weather was hot, but the cool mountain breeze kept us very comfortable.

Melvyn, our chairman, and I circulated between the tables, and thus managed to talk to everybody and make them all feel very welcome. The organization of this picnic worked out well and was really enjoyed by all. 



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