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MAs mentoring BAs' activity in Akko

As part of the collaboration with ISEF (Israel Scholarship Education Foundation), MA students from ISEF receive a scholarship in exchange for volunteering hours to mentor our students in the Students Build a Community Project in Akko in entrepreneurship, hi-tech development and leadership.

We are planning to have eight meetings during the year, one meeting a month.

The student conducting the meetings is Keren Or Rosenbaum, an MA student of Information Systems at the Technion.

The last session dealt with a storytelling workshop where students received tools to tell a story and convey a message about themselves. This included everyone photographing themselves and then sharing their personal stories, beliefs and values.

Later this year, we will deal with the people who inspire us and their influence on shaping each student's life story. The students will also develop social initiative leadership as a value that will help them plan projects for the community and environment in which they live. The project will help to discover future leaders amongst the students and empower them their activities with the children they mentor.

Students express high satisfaction with the workshop's content and their ability to relate it to their daily life and their future in ensuring successful job interviews and presentations.

The content is selected in collaboration with the students by mapping their needs and transferring them to ISEF to build the workshop.

We are proud and pleased with this collaboration and its contribution to not only the students' enrichment but through them, the children participating in the project.

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