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Knitting Group is still Thriving

Some of the children wearing their new cardigans

 Ita Weiner (who ran ESRA Raanana at Beit Fisher) started the knitting group at Protea Village when she moved from Raanana to live there. After she passed on, Daphne Davis continued to oversee the group. Unfortunately she too has passed on and I am very grateful to Miriam Shapiro for taking charge. She has managed to recruit new knitters and the group is doing well.

Before I collect the items for distribution, the women have a display of the goods at the Village to collect money to be able to purchase wool for the next season. Compliments were given to all on their excellent knitting.

On January 15, 2015 some of these knitters joined me at the Ziva kindergarten in Neot Shaked, Netanya. The children were wearing their new cardigans when we got there and looked wonderful and full of smiles. We were entertained with singing and dancing and light refreshments. Both the knitters from Protea Village and the children had a pleasant morning.

In addition to the cardigans there were bootees and crocheted knee rugs which we donated to Laniado Hospital.

On behalf of ESRA and the recipients of these wonderful items, I say a big thank you to the Protea Village Knitting Group and look forward to repeating all this again next year.



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