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Knitted Items Warm Hearts

Arlette Kaplan used the lockdown during the corona pandemic to return to a much loved hobby - knitting. She had always knitted garments and toys for all her grandchildren and as she began to produce more and more items, she suddenly thought that others too might get pleasure from this creative activity.

And so the germ of an idea turned into a new project for the ESRA Ramat Hasharon Branch.

It was important for Arlette to find end users to whom knitted items could be donated. She located The Ladies Circle Ramat Hasharon, and decided together with Moran Weiner, chairperson of the circle, to support the Women's Shelter in the Sharon area. She was happy that the children of these women would have the group's toys to comfort them.

In coordination with Efrat Michaeli, Manager of the Migvanim branch in Kiryat HaTsi'irim, invitations were sent to longtime residents of the community and to ESRA members too. Three months ago, the circle started meeting once a week in the Kiriat HaTsi'irim Community Center in Morasha, Ramat Hasharon. Under the expert and enthusiastic guidance of Arlette, 12 women started producing little woolen animals and dolls.

At a modest, yet exciting ceremony on July 5, these wonderful, knitted gift- wrapped items were handed over to a representative of the Ladies Circle Ramat Hasharon that supports the Center for Battered Women and their children. During the event, the manifested appreciation of the knitters of all Arlette had done to make this happen, was a tribute to her initiative and skill.

Having heard about the successful project, The Ramat Hasharon Branch of the Israel Cancer Association also approached Arlette and now the project is expanding to include knitted hats, scarves and slippers as well as the animals.

These outreach projects into a less privileged section of the community of Ramat Hasharon gives extra meaning to the name of our organization: ESRA.

For details on how to join the group, contact Arlette on 052 525 2126 

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