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Hit Show at the ESRA Volume Music Center

The end of year show of the Volume Music Center was a hit! The center is supported by ESRA Netanya Branch. It is located in Hefzibah Netanya and is a model of integration between all populations and all ages. The youth come from all over East Netanya and the Center gives them not only a place to learn about music, have voice control lessons, learn drumming, guitar, recorder and dance. Love of music is the unifier.

The children we saw two and three years ago on stage with David D'Or and Rami Kleinstein have, through their participation in the Center, grown into self-confident young women whose love of singing shines through. They could easily enter the competitions for The Voice or X-Factor.

How exciting to see how the support of the ESRA Netanya Branch has enabled these teenagers to expand their voices and their horizons.

Thank you Netanya. 



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