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Happiness and Harmony in ESRA Modiin

Enjoying the Modi'in music night

ESRA Modiin's Music Lovers Group grows from strength to strength, so much so, that members have to book early to ensure they have a seat! The program is the brainchild of committee member, Evelynne Cherny, who envisaged a small group of people that would meet every two months to listen to music selections chosen by the hosts.

But Evelynne had no idea that she had started something so creative that would become one of the most popular ESRA events in Modiin.

On December 15, Rhona and Eric Berzack and Carol Lipman hosted an outstanding evening of "Happiness and Harmony" which featured golden oldies and performances across the spectrum from opera to the Beatles, Bing Crosby to Barbra, and from musicals (the Music Man, the King and I) to an exquisite Hawaiian rendition of Over the Rainbow.

Our in-house expert techie, Eric, added in a few hilarious shorts, which all contributed to a toe-tapping, song-singing happy crowd of over 50 guests who packed the rearranged lounge in the Berzack's apartment.

Intermission included a delicious chocolate frosted birthday cake replete with candles that Rhona had thoughtfully baked to mark the birthday of Simmy Friedman - to his sheer surprise and delight.

Two of the organizers: Carol Lipman (left) and Rhona Berzack

As all proceeds directly benefit Neve ESRA, Modiin's afternoon care center for kids at risk, the evening of "Happiness and Harmony" was not only a terrific success, but thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Thank you Eric, Rhona and Carol for a fabulous time.



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