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Hand in hand – exhilarating bridge together with a tasty breakfast

Concentrating at the bridge event

At the end of November, ESRA Herzliya organized another bridge tournament. We returned once again to Wizo House in Herzliya Pituach, a venue with a light, airy room overlooking a large garden and patio where we served light refreshments.

Homemade gravlax with lots of trimmings and cream cheese, egg salad, a platter of cheddar cheese and a vegetable platter including cherry tomatoes – all looked very appetizing laid out on a large table with sliced whole bread and crackers. Later, homemade cheese cake, apple cake and biscuits were served with tea and coffee. 

Concentrating at the bridge event

Disappointingly, we only had 48 players but, encouraged by our charming English tournament director, Henry Guttman, who stepped in at the last moment, an exhilarating morning was had by all who attended.

The tournament winners were N/S Carole Rafiah (Rafic) and Dvora Butel and E/W Israel Myron and Haim Zeif.

We had lots of compliments from the players for a lovely morning, and we all look forward to more bridge mornings - a good way to socialize and to raise money for ESRA community projects. 



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