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Fighting Back on Racism and Bigotry

Photo Credit: By Droopyjaz (talk) Wikimedia

On a warm Sunday evening, more than 25 people came to listen to Harry Pose talking on "Courage to Care", which is an education program. It is provided by Bnai Brith and supported by a traveling exhibition that educates Australians about racism and bigotry. It promotes respect for diversity and the importance of standing up to bullying and prejudice.

The program was developed to encourage an intelligent, accepting, peaceful society, with understanding and respect for all. It uses the stories of Holocaust survivors and the Righteous Among the Nations, those men and women who risked their own lives during the Holocaust to save others.

Courage to Care empowers participants to take positive action in relation to discrimination and bullying in all forms, from the schoolyard to the workplace.

Harry Pose has been a volunteer at Courage to Care for the past two years. He studied Electronic Engineering at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. He lives with his wife Lena and married daughters in Melbourne, Australia. 



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