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ESRA Tel Aviv Awards Scholarship

Tel Aviv volunteers (from left) Noah Margalit, Marilyn Ronen, student Adis Mekonen, Aggie van der Laan and Merry Kane.

A scholarship award ceremony hosted by Nina Zuck, who chairs ESRA's project committee, was held at Hefzibah community center in Netanya. Although we in Tel Aviv were fighting to have a project within Tel Aviv, we fell in love with the wonderful young people whom Nina had chosen to receive these scholarships.

Our Tel Aviv group awarded a scholarship in memory of Fran Flamholz who had been a member of our Tel Aviv committee. Our scholarship went to a young man named Adis Mekonen who had been in the program at the community center until he went into the army. Now, having completed his IDF service, he is studying for a degree in business management. He will still find time to mentor four students from this neighborhood.

These volunteer student mentors live in the neighborhood, away from their families, in order to be available to their pupils and any others who might knock on their door for help. We had a wonderful evening listening to the stories they told us about what they had been doing and what they planned to do in the future. They present great role models for the neighborhood children. The example they set of giving their time to help others while studying is something that we can all be proud of and we hope to continue the scholarships in the future.

Marilyn Ronen Chair, ESRA Tel Aviv

Merry Kane, committee member ESRA Tel Aviv 



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