The British Ambassador to Israel, David Quarrey, with ESRA students Photo: Courtesy of the British Embassy
It was a glorious spring day when a number of organizations, raising funds to help others, were invited by the British Ambassador, David Quarrey, to participate in "The Spring Fair" which he hosted at his residence in Ramat Gan.
ESRA was privileged to man a stand selling our Ethiopian goods – some hand-embroidered articles plus our attractive Ethiopian designed cards, Memory Keepers, cook books and other items. Also for sale wereattractive pottery pieces artistically hand-crafted and donated by Patricia Zeitlin, a long-standing good friend and supporter of ESRA.
Sara, Jajua, Esti and Jajou– fourof the 40 students from ESRA's Students Build a Community (SBC)project mentoring some 160 children living in areas of deprivation– came along to help. Wearing their ESRA SBC t-shirts they distributed ESRA Magazines,proving to be, without doubt, ESRA's best ambassadors.
The ESRA stand attracted many visitors – we made new members, sold our merchandise and, most important, projected the wonderful multifaceted ESRA in all that it represents.
Special thanks go to Dena Laufer, Bess Hoffman and Janet Kiesari who did a great job in setting up the stand and selling the goods.
Smile ... a trio of ESRA students
About the author
Brenda Katten was born and educated in London, UK. She was a member of Bnei Akiva and the Federation of Zionist Youth (FZY). Professionally she worked as a Relationship and Educational Counselor in the remedial and education fields having obtained qualification from the British Association of Counselors. She and her architect husband, John, came to live in Israel in 1998.
Brenda is a past chairperson in England of: British WIZO (and is currently Honorary President); the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland; Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation. She was chairperson of the Governors one of the largest Jewish Day Schools in London.
In Israel she is currently Chairperson of ESRA – English Speaking Residents Association; Co- Chairperson of Europeans for Israel.
Her past voluntary positions in Israel include: Chairperson of Israel, Britain and the Commonwealth Association; Chairperson of World WIZO Public Affairs and NGO Department. Chairperson of World WIZO Public Relations Department and Editor of the newsletter, The Fuller Picture and Executive Member of the International Council of Women (ICW). Brenda has been a delegate for Israel at the international conferences of the United Nations’ Annual Commission on the Status of Women in New York; United Nations Conference against Racism in Durban (2001); Women Defending Peace in Geneva (2004).
Brenda has three children and eight grandchildren.