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ESRA’s Counseling Service

We are happy to bring you a sampling of recent feedback from clients of ESRA'S Counseling Service. All names have been changed to protect confidentiality. These comments highlight some of the benefits of sharing difficulties with a trained counselor. Among them are having an objective, non-judgemental, empathetic person on whom you can test your thinking.

You may be able to learn new and creative ways of seeing what may be long-standing issues (or newer ones), explore different strategies for coping and practice new ways of interacting with those around you.

A year and a half ago I participated in the counseling course at ESRA. Not only was it a really good course, but it also gave me the chance to repay a debt to ESRA and the wonderful Counseling Service that it provides.

Six years ago the counseling group at ESRA assisted me at a time in my life when I had hit rock bottom, and really needed help to find a way back.

The response I got was kind, quick and very efficient. The sessions were in English by well-trained and caring counselors, and conducted with complete confidentiality.

The help I received made a huge difference to my life.

I promised that if there was ever another course, I would do it to try to help others in the way that I was helped.

I hope that I have achieved this, and I will continue working to do so.

Thank you again to the great ESRA Counseling team.

A. B.

Sharon area

My name is Jenny and I live in Ashkelon. I would like this email to be read by Susan Kurnedz who is in charge of the volunteer counseling service.

Two years ago, after my husband passed away, I contacted Susan asking for assistance. She connected me with Roger, who is a volunteer from up North.

In my eyes he is a pure angel with a warm heart, offering helpful advice and simply being a wonderful human being who is caring and kind.

After several phone conversations with Roger I realized that we were connected and he was understanding of my needs, my worries, my fears and my insecurities.

Roger taught me coping skills, gave me a shoulder to lean on even though we only spoke by phone and slowly brought me to a point where I could laugh.

I have had many ups and downs and Roger saw me through each and every one of them. As time passed by he had me understand that the intervals between our phone conversations would be longer ones and he was weaning me off slowly until finally, two weeks ago, we had our final talk. It was hard saying 'so long' to a friend I had come to rely on.

However, I do know that the time was appropriate and I was ready to move on. I learned much from Roger.

When I have my moments of falling back down, I have the notes that Roger suggested I write down in order to refer to them when I need to and to refocus my thoughts in those difficult moments.

I want to thank ESRA for being an organization that reaches out to people who are going through a crisis, whatever that might be. I am handling my life in a way that is healthy.

I appreciate the assistance and guidance I was given. My special thanks to Roger.



ESRA Support and Counseling. We know how to listen

Anger, Stress, Bereavement, Depression, Fears, Relationship Issues, Redundancy and Work Issues,

Trauma, Abuse, Change and Major Life Events.

Our trained and supervised counselors can help you through difficult life situations.

Countrywide, face to face and telephone counseling.

Call Susan: 052 698 9088/Elisheva 058 720 9794. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



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