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FUN Raanana in English

FUN – sharing stories of professional failure is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure in 90 countries, 321 cities, with over 15,000 events and 1,000,000 participants worldwide. Each month, in events across the globe, three to four quality and successful professionals get up in front of a room full of strangers to share their professional failures in 7 minutes and 10 images. Corporate companies formed it to enable a platform to share stories of failures to learn and grow. For some people, the term is certainly, at first glance, rather shocking, but many people regularly refer to mistakes they make as 'fuck ups'. It was first introduced to us by a successful young ESRA member. These events aim to attract a younger audience for whom this term is likely to sound more appealing than offensive. ESRA decided to hold events where people can learn how a discussion of failures can be used to their benefit and network to help them integrate. And use the already well-known title for such events. At the end of the day, it's just a name, and it's highly popular and appreciated worldwide and especially among quality native English speakers.

The opening event speakers were, Allison Kaplan Sommer, journalist at Haaretz co-host of The Promised Podcast, writing instructor at Reichman University; Karen Tsafrir of Live Productions, producer of No Ordinary Events and Adv, Guy Carmi, Partner in Lipa Meir & Co, Board Member, Movement for Quality Government in Israel, University Lecturer.

At the event, the speakers shared a personal secret of failure on their way to success and how they experienced it, overcame it, laughed about it (eventually), and grew from it. It was amazing to discover the sensitive and authentic exposure of the well-established professional speakers.

One of our next speakers was Dr. Adi Aron Gilat, the Israeli scientist bringing Google's Moonshot Lab to Israel. Google is setting up its "radical" lab outside the U.S. for the first time, and the project's Head of Strategy, Dr. Adi Aron Gilat, is moving back to Israel to find the right people to join. Once known as Google X, the tech giant's most far-out idea hub is now Israel. The Jewish state is planned to be the first country outside the U.S. to welcome what is known in Google's parent company Alphabet as the Moonshot Lab.

The event was well attended and we are looking to the next event on December 22 at Center Stage Raanana. Our first speaker will be Adi Aron-Gilat, JSD, Head of Strategy at X, Alphabet's Moonshot Factory and Lecturer in Management at Stanford Business School. To check out more information and meet the other speakers, visit



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