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Eilat Volunteer Award 2012 to Fonda Dubb

Fonda Dubb, ESRA's representative in Eilat, was presented with the Eilat Volunteer Award 2012 on November 14 by the Mayor of Eilat in recognition of all her volunteer work in Eilat with the blind, chronically ill and mentally challenged persons. Fonda escorts blind people on tours in Israel, and on Fridays she cooks meals for the week for a blind woman. She also visits chronically ill persons at the Maccabi Rehabilitation Center once or twice a week to chat with them, especially with those without family, and in general, tries to help people there to have a better day. She started her work with the mentally challenged as a helper with an AKIM group and now, once a week, she gives them a creative class of movement, rhythm, dance and music.

Fonda has been an active ESRA volunteer for many years. After her husband passed away, she founded an ESRA widows' group which was very successful and helped many women to adjust to their new status in life. A professional caterer, she volunteered to cater many ESRA fundraising events, and she has given talks to numerous ESRA groups about food preparation and table settings. Fonda has written articles for our ESRA MAGAZINE; she also distributes the magazines and sells Ethiopian goods to Eilat residents as well as to visitors in Eilat.

We in ESRA are proud of you, Fonda, and extend our warm congratulations to you on this well-deserved award.



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