ESRA Magazine
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Drop-in to our Netanya Office

Laurence Bruce fixes the Mezuzah to the door of the Drop-In Center watched by (from left) Gloria Scott, Nina Zuck, Barbara Kliner, Revital (secretary to Ofer Orenstein and Herzl Kern)

On January 6, amidst much excitement, our Netanya Drop-In office opened at 15 Herzl Street, 2nd floor. Our thanks go to Ofer Orenstein and Herzl Keren of the Netanya Municipality for letting us share their office space. At the door we were presented with a mezuzah by Revital, the secretary, and proceeded to "mark our territory" with ESRA posters and flyers.

The office will be open twice a week, on Sundays from 10.30-12.30 and on Wednesdays from 09.30-12.30. Pop in for a cup of tea and a chat, find out what we're doing in Netanya, join our social activities and see if you'd like to volunteer some spare time too. We look forward to greeting you there!



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