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Don’t break the chain

Applying non-stick spray on the cookie tray

What's cooking?

Recipe sharing has always reminded me of the game 'broken telephone' we played as kids.

Someone whispers the secret to a favorite dish in your tweak it a little to make it your own and pass it on...and the next person in the recipe chain does the same.

There was a time that the makings of the very best dishes were almost exclusively kept in the family but, with the advent of Facebook, food blogging, and Pinterest, all of that has changed.

In Israel, where complete strangers tend to regard themselves as friends you haven't yet met, I regularly find myself exchanging food ideas in the supermarket, at the park, in the doctor's waiting room, and even at the bank.

"What do you do plan to do with that filo pastry?" the woman in line behind me at the supermarket check-out will ask interestedly as she peers openly into my trolley.

And so I tell her...and the food chain continues.

This month's winning recipe comes courtesy of a friend who picked up this gem while waiting her turn at the hairdresser.

She made her own changes and passed it on to me.

And I, in turn, did the same.

It's now YOUR chance to add your own special touch.

Whatever you do, be sure to keep the chain going.

Recipes of this caliber deserve to be shared.


1 full cup shelled sunflower seeds

1 ¼ cups shelled pumpkin seeds

½ cup sesame seeds

½ cup soft, brown sugar

Large handful each cranberries & chocolate chips

2 large egg whites, beaten lightly with a fork

1: Coat 2 x 12 hole cupcake trays – preferable silicone which I always recommend over Teflon cupcake trays - very well with Pam non-stick spray.

2: Mix ingredients together till sugar/egg white mixture has properly coated the seeds.

3: Divide the mixture between the hollows of the cupcake trays, measuring 1 generous tablespoon per hollow.

4: Turn the can of Pam spray over and use the back of the lid - or alternatively use the bottom of the glass - to compress each round very well.

5: Bake at 180 C for approximately 15 to 20 minutes till seeds are just beginning to turn golden.

6: Remove trays from oven and, while still warm, compress each round again using the back of Pam lid/bottom of glass, and allow to cool completely before removing.

Cook's notes: If you can't be bothered with making rounds as described, you can simply mix the ingredients together, place flattened spoonfuls on greased baking paper, and bake at 180 C for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. This produces Florentine style cookies - which obviously taste exactly the same - but the flattened rounds are more impressive and the mixture goes much further too. As these cookies are both dairy and gluten-free, they can be served as a dessert with pareve ice-cream sandwiched in-between, they can be tucked into school lunch boxes as an energy giving treat, eaten at breakfast with fresh fruit and yoghurt, or simply enjoyed at any other time of the day.

For information on easy, family-friendly cooking classes, FREE newsletter with recipes, and shopping hints – write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.­ or go online at www.deliciouskitchen.weebly.­com. 



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