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Consumer Watch 179

Door problem shows you should handle old receipts with care

We have been living in our current home for almost 30 years. Recently I noticed that the veneer on our front door is peeling, presumably from the sun that shines on it from the east early in the morning. Replacing a front door that is 1.25 meters wide is no simple or inexpensive matter. Furthermore, it is difficult to be without an exterior door for any specific time. I am a "no thrower away" of items and sure enough, I found the file that contained almost every receipt/bill for the monies that were spent on the building of this house which began in 1983. A slow process of looking at every single bill brought up the receipt and more importantly, the name and address of the carpenter who made the front door. Now the problem is if he is still around and working!

I also keep a current "home file" where I file receipts for various purchases for the home, i.e. furniture, electrical goods and specific repairs. I keep these bills all the time that these items are still in use. Every 2 – 3 years, I go through the file and remove what is no longer applicable.

The current situation with the front door proves how lucky I store my bills and receipts!

Pharmacy goods are few and far between

Have you noticed that in many of the whole-page consumer goods advertisements in our newspapers, such as those for SuperPharm and Supersol, and even in the Maccabi pharmacies brochures, that there is often a statement in very tiny print under the item advertised that "there are only one or two , (sometimes three) of these items in the store".

Or, an even more interesting remark printed in some advertisements and tucked away on the middle of a long sentence, that "the previous price that may be printed on the item, was the price of the item for at least ONE day! You have been warned.

It's the people without cars who need to bag these supermarket bargains

All these wonderful news items lately on shopping comparisons between the various supermarkets are alright if you have a car. Many of these stores are way out of residential areas where the land prices are much cheaper for building and investments. The very people who need these cheaper prices are mainly those who often do not have the ability to get to such areas because of lack of personal transport - large young families and no babysitter and maybe also no credit card facilities to make the effort worthwhile.

All those ingredients are a recipe for disaster in my book

About twice a year at Pesach and Rosh Hashanah many companies supply us with recipe booklets which I find very interesting, but I have yet to find the courage to try some of these recipes and I often wonder who does use them. My problem is the number of different ingredients involved in the making of a cake, pie or meat/fish dish. One Osem recipe which caught my attention last Rosh Hashanah was a meat dish with nuts. There were 23 different ingredients involved in the making of this recipe! Nothing was mentioned about the time involved in preparing and clearing up and putting things away thereafter. I have a simple rule about collecting recipes – anything that involves many different ingredients and is not simple just does not go into my book of recipes. After all, one has to have all these different items already in the kitchen cupboard.

What's the Big deal?

In case you, like me, have been confused by a number of debits on your credit card by a company called "Big Herzliya" or Big with another area named, then let me enlighten you to the fact that these are debits by Supersol Deal. (Sorry, according to the company the correct name is Shufersal Deal.) All this is on the assumption that you do check the notices you receive from your credit card companies. 



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